Monday, December 1, 2008

The effectiveness of social media

Clearly, advertising has changed in many forms throughout the years. The introduction of advertising on the web through social media has been the biggest change. Many people question the effectiveness of social media and its "return on investment." While there are ways to check the effectiveness, it is still not certain.

Some websites such as Xinu and Google Analytics can actually give straight facts with regards to the amount of visits a company has received. Thus, a company can judge its success. A company has solid information. However, social media tools such as Twitter make ROI questionable. Let's say a user is logged on to Twitter, you can't be sure that they're actually following you.

I see this problem as the same way consumers faced when they started shopping online by putting in credit cards. At first, people felt like they're credit card information might be stolen. However, as time progressed consumers felt more secure. Social media will develop and is already developing into a great advertising tool. For now, it still has its faults. It is safe to say that it has more pluses than minuses.

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