Monday, October 27, 2008

Nowadays, we all communicate through technology. For example, when it comes to school work, professors will e-mail us updates and important information. We are all connected. Thus, it is important to get the most out of technology. We can do this through virtual groups.

Virtual groups are great because you can still have your personal space yet be connected. With my past experience, I've found group meetings to be inefficient. You basically get together and share everything that you have accomplished. You can do the same thing without having to waste your time in person. You can sit at your home and e-mail your group members.

If there is conflict within the group, you can always call or e-mail someone. For a group to have great success, everyone must accept and play their role well. This can easily be done through virtual groups. One person can be the one that coordinates and sends out the e-mails for a plan. Then another person can execute the plans. If were at a point in our time where technology is becoming so large why not take advantage of it and incorporate into virtual groups?

Monday, October 20, 2008

The new rising media: Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is the new form of media. It does not include the regular types of articles such as newspapers like the New York Times. It is a new form journalism where the people have the power to write their thoughts through articles online. Thus, there are other options as opposed to high powered newspapers. In a sense, citizen journalism is giving power to the people. There is more freedom in the media through citizen journalism. This is due to the fact of the Internet.
However, there are both pros and cons with citizen journalism versus the standard newspapers. The cons for citizen journals are many people that do not use the internet frequently and may not have the time to check blogs. If someone works as a construction worker, they will probably have no computer around them on the job to to surf the internet. However, a secretary or anyone that works in front of a computer will easily be able to check blogs and articles through the internet. Also, many of the blogs that do come out are not necessarily from reliable sources. The pros in newspaper articles such as the New York Times is that they are more professional and have trusted resources
I think that citizen journalism has an advantage over the standard form of journalism. Citizen journalism can constantly be updated through blogs and such. When it comes to newspapers, you have to wait the next day for the most recent news. Let's say I'm on the metro and I don't have a computer to check the news online, then I can easily pick up a newspaper and be informed.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Staying in touch

Recently, business networking websites have been on the rise. However, the question is will these business networking websites become as popular and useful then social networking websites? Many business networking websites such as and LinkedIn have led many people to start up companies, find jobs, or just gain more contacts in general. In fact, you can search for companies and coworkers that you previously worked with and reconnect. I think that this is very beneficial. For example, lets say you moved from one country to another for your job. After the years pass by, you may begin to lose many contacts from your previous job. However, business networking websites can help you reconnect if you might ever need to contact coworkers from your previous job. Thus, this will give you an advantage. Business networking websites are available to anyone that wants to be in touch with other companies or coworkers. They can be very useful depending on how much effort you put into them. I believe that business networking websites are more efficient for contacts that you already know. Thus, this will solidify the relationship. Meeting new contacts online can sometimes not be trusted. I find this similar to social networking websites such as Facebook. I personally use Facebook to stay in touch with people who I already know and have met.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Facebook is your responsibility

Facebook started out as a college networking website. Now it has spread out to parents, coworkers, and kids below college. Because of the Facebook expansion, there is more on the line for everyone with a membership profile. Parents can easily log onto Facebook and see what their kids are up to. However, the most critical issue is employers using Facebook to judge whether they hire a potential employee or not. Thus, people who sign up for Facebook must be aware of this. It is the Facebook user's responsibility to have privacy settings and not put up any information or pictures that might hurt their chances of being hired. An employer has all the rights to check a person's facebook because it does define their character. In a job interview, one would go dressed appropriately and have a professional attitude. The employer is making judgements based on the interview. Thus, in the same manner, an employer can make judgements based on Facebook. The same way you would act in the workplace is the same way you should act on the Internet if you are aware that it is public.